- interspace
- промежуток; интервал
Англо-русский словарь по рекламе . 2014.
Англо-русский словарь по рекламе . 2014.
Interspace — In ter*space , n. [L. interspatium. See {Inter }, and {Space}.] Intervening space. Bp. Hacket. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
interspace — [in′tər spās΄; ] for v. [ in΄tər spās′, in′tər spās΄] n. a space between vt. interspaced, interspacing 1. to make spaces between 2. to fill spaces between … English World dictionary
interspace — Any space between two similar objects, such as a costal i. or interval between two ribs. * * * in·ter·space int ər .spās n the space between two related body parts whether void or filled by another kind of structure <the skin of the interspace … Medical dictionary
interspace — intervalas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. interspace; interval; spacing vok. Abstand, m; Intervall, n; Lücke, f; Zwischenraum, m; Zwischenzeit, f rus. интервал, m; промежуток, m pranc. intervalle, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
interspace — tarpas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. gap; interspace; interval vok. Lücke, f; Strecke, f; Zwischenraum, m rus. зазор, m; интервал, m; промежуток, m pranc. espacement, m; intervalle, m; jeu, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
interspace — I. noun Date: 15th century an intervening space ; interval II. transitive verb Date: 1685 to occupy or fill the space between … New Collegiate Dictionary
interspace — space between two parts, e.g. the gap between the two dorsal fins or between the pelvic fins, between parr marks in Salmonidae … Dictionary of ichthyology
interspace — interspatial /in teuhr spay sheuhl/, adj. interspatially, adv. n. /in teuhr spays /; v. /in teuhr spays /, n., v., interspaced, interspacing. n. 1. a space between things. 2. an intervening period of time; interval. v.t. 3. to put a space between … Universalium
interspace — 1. noun A space or interval between two things; an interstice 2. verb To make, or to occupy such a space … Wiktionary
Interspace — Интервал; разрядка || делать разрядку … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
interspace — Synonyms and related words: caesura, clearance, discontinuity, dispart, distance between, double space, em space, en space, freeboard, hair space, half space, hiatus, interim, intermediate space, interruption, interstice, interval, jump, keep… … Moby Thesaurus